We Are Makers

Hannah Nunn in we are makers

I'm excited to share a hot-off-the-press feature in the third edition of we are makers publication.

we are makers

My friend Sarah gifted me a copy of edition one for my birthday last year and I loved it. It's a biannual magazine (more like a book) that features makers and their stories from all around the world, with gorgeous photos and a lovely layout. It one of those publications that even smells good!

we are makers hannah Nunn

So I applied to be featured (you can do that on their website) and they said yes and then I asked Sarah Mason if she'd take some photos especially for the article. She said yes too and we had fun making some new pictures.

we are makers magazines

So I'm delighted it has all come together. You can order one on their website here and support the lovely creators of this inspiring publication. I also have a few in my studio, so if you're local you're welcome to come and have a look.

Me and Sarah went to our favourite step in the woods to celebrate.

We often sit here and share a flask of tea and put our worlds to rights.

It's a good way to celebrate when a plan comes together. x

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Hannah Nunn

Welcome to my blog

I'm Hannah Nunn, designer/maker of papercut lamps, wallpaper, window film and laser cut 'treasures' all inspired by the beautiful details of nature. Find out what inspires me and join me for walks in the woods and other adventures...


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