This is a waxcap. Possibly a honey waxcap. Some of them had a sweet smell of honey when you got up close but we didn't actually smell this very one so can't be sure!

I've been learning so much about fungi lately as earlier in the year, my daughter Ffion read Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake and it opened up a whole new world to her.

I've just caught up a little by listening to the audio book while I'm working. When my laser cutter is on I like to drown it out with noise cancelling headphones and lately I've been listening to Merlin Sheldrake's gentle voice telling me just how important and fascinating fungi are and how we are just at the beginning of discovering what they can do to transform and heal the planet.

Now, when me and Ffion go out for our walks, we forage, sometimes she likes to find edible species,Â

like chanterelles,

chicken of the woods,

hedgehog fungi,

and oyster mushrooms

but mostly we are just foraging for awe and wonder.

In this field you only had to part the grass a little to discover lots of colourful waxcaps hiding underneath.

Ffion has been helping with the National Trust's Grassland Fungi Project and so she is often out in the fields recording all the species that are growing there.

Waxcaps are a great indicator that the grassland is in good health and hasn't been treated with artificial chemicals and fertilisers. Through the study they are discovering a huge diversity of species which should lead to a greater protection and awareness.

It's wonderful to know that the fields are thriving, and it's lovely to see Ffion thriving too. Most of the beautiful photos in this post are hers. Her enthusiasm is infectious and if you'd like to catch it, you can follow her here.

A couple more things. Firstly there is a petition to ensure that grasslands are protected and enhanced. Will you sign?
And if you love fungi and you love craft you might love the work of Amanda Cobbet. I am very enamoured with her embroidered fungi, mosses and lichen. They are incredible! This month she has a huge feature in Country Living magazine too so you'll be able to find out all about her and her work.
Hope you spot some good fungi and do remember 'never munch on a hunch' as the saying goes. You've got to be absolutely sure.
Ah, just read this, thank you Hannah for tagging me. My daily dogs walks have lately turned into slow meanders as more and more fungi appear in both the fields and the forest. Itâs so important to protect the species we find, fungi are extraordinary and yet scientists/mycologists still have much to discover. Compared with plants, they are about 200yrs behind in their research.
Just thought I would say âhiâ as I havent written for a while and I love getting your emails on Thursdays. Fungi are fascinating arent they and Entangled Life has opened up a whole new world to learn about and explore. What wonderful photos in your blog. Any chance of you producing some fungi inspired fabric and window film?
With very best wishes