As soon as I had finished the first Something I have Noticed journal last spring I was looking forward to putting the second one together. I had already decided on the colour of the cover and I was ready to walk through the seasons again in this beautiful valley with my eyes open, pockets ready for treasures and empty sketchbook pages waiting to be filled with drawings of things that I had seen along the way. But the year didn't turn out as planned.

The first half of the year was good and there were many joys...

BUT in the second half things got very different.

But despite the hardship and loss I still managed to keep my eyes and my pockets open somehow. Nature was very much there for me and by 'noticing' I found the strength to navigate my way through this difficult year.

People and nature got me through.

The year and all its joys and sorrows are gathered up these pages and as it was such a momentous one it feels pretty special to me. As I sit here with a box of journals next to me I realise the significance of it being completed. I made it back to safety. The reflective process of telling the stories has been so incredibly healing. I loved writing it and I hope you will love reading it.
You can order it on my website here.