Usually I have a camera full of pictures to choose from for my three somethings mailout but this week I realised I had nothing! It's not that I hadn't been out, in fact I've had three lovely long walks but these walks had been walks with friends where the scenery goes by in a blur because you are deep in conversation. I LOVE these kind of walks but I don't take many photo's and I don't notice the small things as much.
My three somethings has become a gauge of my weeks activity and its balance. Have I been soaking up nature? Have I been playing and creating in the studio or just making making making? Writing it inspires and challenges me and reminds me to slow down and do the things I love.
So I went for a little walk, not far, just a wander up the hill. The sun had come out so there was extra incentive to get out. As I walked up the slippery hill I found myself thinking 'what if I don't find anything for my email? It's winter now and there is less to see and less to be inspired by'.
That's when I spotted this tiny green shoot just reaching up through the wet wintry cobbles with all it's mite, full of potential and possibility, all green and zingy saying 'Hello I'm here'!
And once I saw it I was in. With every step there was something fascinating to notice. Luscious moss, skeleton leaves, dewy cobwebs, lichen trumpets, lost feathers. It wasn't a slippery hill anymore but a microscopic wonderland and I was utterly absorbed.
Here are some of the the wonders that I saw.

By the way these are all taken on my Pixel 3 Android phone. I am astounded by the detail it gives me and it's usually right there in my pocket.
I was very refreshed by my twenty minutes up the hill discovering the moss covered wall that gathers old treasures and is full of LIFE x
I take my camera every time I go out as there is always something to see even in the depths of Winter. Amazing what you see when you take the trouble to look. Love all the mosses and lichen. Really lovely photos
My favourite photo is the top one with the different moss/lichen on the stick. So many shapes and different colours in such a small area. It pays to stop and look, otherwise just look at what you are missing.
Hannah, I LLLOOOOVVVVE these photos. It is the tiny things in the woods and on the moors that make my day when I’m walking. It is wonderful to see them given proper attention with such nice pictures. (My photos are never so good.) The feather and the moss are especially crisp. Thank you for your weekly “three things”.