I'm not sure how they decide who goes first?

Who is going to make the first move into autumn?

'Not me' said this one. 'I'm going to stay luscious and green for a while longer'.

'Oh ok I'll go. But just one half of me'

'Come on guys. It's not so bad. Look at me. I'm beautiful!'

'I'll just try this one frond...'

They are very beautiful in all their varying degrees of autumnalness!
Here is a fern lamp I made a while back after being inspired by the ferns in the woods. You can imagine it to be green and luscious or autumnal and golden.
1 comment
Hi Hannah
Just wanted to say I’m loving the ‘three something’s Thursday!’ Really enjoying your blog too.
The paper meadow wallpaper sample is currently stuck to my dining room wall, whilst building renovation’s are in progress. It’s spuring me on to our finished project and I’m looking forward to doing the lovely bits!
As a ‘spotter of all things in the hedgerows’ your blog and the wonderful photos are very therapeutic in this very crazy, busy world. They’re a gentle reminder to get back on track of what’s really important, so thank you.
Just a quick question about the window film which I’m mulling over, is this a fairly easy task to apply? Haha, just got these horror visions of when I use sticky back plastic in school!
Thank you again,
Keep well and happy,
Kindest regards