I have been writing my weekly 'Three Somethings' email for a whole year, so I have been gathering some of the words of encouragement that kind people have sent so that I can treasure them.
Writing these emails has become the highlight of my working week and I look forward to picking my three things to share - something I have made, something I am making and something I have noticed. It keeps my eyes on the details, it spurs me on to create new work and it gives me an opportunity to show people what it is that I have for sale and tell them about it. And thankfully people buy them. Every artist needs that to happen!
And to think that I worried about a weekly email being too much and just another thing to add to an overburdened inbox! I hoped that maybe...just maybe it might add a moment of calm and beauty to somebody's day.
I know it's not for everyone and I know not everyone will read it EVERY week and that is ok by me. I thank everyone who reads it, even sometimes. I never freak myself by checking to see who has unsubscribed so you don't have to feel bad if you ever want to go! I won't know!
If you're not on the list and you'd like to be, you can sign up right here. x