I'm delighted to introduce my new treasure boxes to you. I had been thinking for a while how nice it would be to offer a special box in which to gift some of my decorations or my little tiny treasures book, but I didn't want to create a box that would just get thrown away afterwards. How could I make it a box that people would like to keep?

It didn't take more than a few seconds to arrive at this.Ā A special box that people could keep their own treasures in!

I was chatting to my friend Sarah about it and she suggested putting a found treasure in the box too - perhaps a beech nut or a fir cone that I might have found out on a walk.Ā

Then whizz (more synapses firing)Ā - it didn't take her long to get to this! A treasure map that marks the very spot I found that treasure.

So I eagerly set to work, mapping the woods of Hebden Bridge. I included the well know woods like Hardcastle Crags and Nutclough Woods, but I sneaked in some lesser known names too. Euan's woods will forever be Euan's woods to us as he used to live right next to them!

I wasn't going to add the rivers to the map as I was trying to keep it simple, but what is Hebden without it's rivers? Now they meander, in a very un-exact way. Disclaimer below!

I took the box to show Sarah, on our favourite step in Eaves Wood.

It's a step where we often share a flask of tea, dream up ideas and celebrateĀ things in life and business.Ā It was certainly a 'cheers' morning as we clunked our camping mugs together.Ā

And here it is on the map!

And I had my eyes to the ground, looking for treasures.

Ā Those squirrels and jays have been busy. Not an acorn in sight the whole walk!Ā

I did find some lichen covered twigs though which were rather beautiful.

So, there is an option to buy a simple box, which is just the box, map and a found treasure. OR you can buy a bountiful box which has a map, a book, a set of ten treasures and a found treasure from the woods (the found treasure is only if you're in the UK though...can't send those overseas).
Let me introduce you to what's inside. I made a video of the whole unwrapping experience and you can see it here!
Do you have just the person who might like a box to keep their treasures in? You can find them on my website here. x
1 comment
Absolutely delightful x